Saturday, August 1, 2009

Watch out stars, Im shooting and you're in the way!

What an interesting day,  It was wonderful for the most part and full of people I love and that I am going to miss so much!  

But because this is a blog about learning and getting my MFA i think what is most important to document is that I am leaving Utah in two weeks. In two very short weeks I will be in Las Vegas trying to make sense of a new place and find a new place to fit in. Tonight i had to say good bye to friends that I am pretty sure I will not see again before i leave.  I have grown a lot of roots here in Utah, and I have really found that i have great friends and great things for me here!  Well, with my big move comes making some serious changes, I know that my true friends are going to be here or wherever for the rest of my life!  But still leaving this great situation is going to be very hard!  I have a lot of worries that the next two weeks is going to be full of a lot of hard moments and a lot of tears!  Well it is going to be worth i think, i hope, i pray!  

Well as i always say and as I wrote on baby Celia's (spelling) frame today "You will never reach the stars if you don't shoot for them first"  

Well start shooting, its time!  PULL THE TRIGGER!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that we found your feels good:)
