I will say that I had sort of a crappy rehearsal tonight, we got to layton and the wind and terrible weather forced us to move to a city building in Sunset, which was great! only the big room was occupied so where did we rehearse? in the basement, all cement, sounded like a great recording but was not the best for rehearsal, not to mention MANY MANY people were not there, if there is a Ferrin Dead to me List, I hope i can add and edit as well!

After leaving rehearsal, i had to drive through the most horrible, awful smelling smoke, It was horrible all the way up in Sunset and smelled ALL the way home, seriously all of Utah Must be on Fire!

Well that is almost true, there are a TON of fires even had to close done the free way by the airport and on the airport run ways! I knew it was bad when the signs above the freeway that say how long it takes to get somewhere usually say 12 minutes to the airport, no it said 56 minutes!!!! YIKES!!!!! Well I made it home, I even got some things packed, my suitcase for the weekend, and I HOPE this weekend goes well! I am really really nervous that I won't find a place, or something, but i am trying to stay as positive as i can! Las Vegas Here i Come!
So all in all my day was a bit like that band, lots of earth traveled, way to much wind, and the fire of a lifetime!

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