When last we met (see how I am pretending that we all see each other everyday and have a little class) anyway. Sunday night brought an end to all of the callbacks well cancel that two shows were done with call backs a third one still had to be completed on monday night.
I really didnt do anything on Sunday, I mean like really nothing, after i got home i was exhausted and I spent the rest of the night getting ready for monday and the rest of the week.
Monday started with my Stage Management class and it was an alright class, we talked about equity's rules and such which was interesting to see the other kids in the class most of which have never stage managed and most of which have no idea what a stage manager is and or does. So as they found out what stage managers do they were shocked. Anyway end of class, nothing eventful.
After moving to my next class which happens to be my favorite class at this point Directing. I got to sit on a couch which was awesome, made my class even better. We talked about some interesting topics in directing, Doings, Substitutions, and Obstacles. My professor is a great guy, been acting all his life and he is just visiting here I think, I am a little unclear on that at this moment. However, i always learn from him, i am not sure why what he says makes so much more sense then any other acting/directing class I have ever had. One of my favorite things from the class was learning about substitutions, using a personal person in your life and putting those feelings on the character you are acting opposite. but not just your mom when the other character is a mom, but someone in your life that you want the same thing from, Like i want you to love me, i want you to accept who i am. So you need to pick someone in your life that you want the same thing as your character wants from the other character. Anyway interesting.
Later on I had Stage Management studio where all of us Grad Stage managers get together and talk through everything going on. There has been some drama in the casting process, and or the kick ball process but i thought then and know now that it was all okay, not a reason to fret. Erica another stage manager asked me to go to her call backs and read in a character that they didn't have anyone called back for nor did they have huge leads on getting someone. Well i was unable to say yes to that for sure because I was still unsure as to if i was doing the benefit show. Which was weird because the show opens friday and it is still under debate. I went to the department chair and asked if the show was still happening, he said he was supposed to have a firm answer 30 minutes ago and didnt have an answer, So no rehearsal monday night either way, and we wait till tuesday for the answer for sure. So i said yes to call backs, and reading in for the character.
I read in for call backs most of the evening and i really enjoyed it, the night progressed into the possibility of myself being cast in the show... go ahead re read that line if you need a minute i can wait... So the dilemma became a real dilemma at that point. Hear it is in a nut shell, my show im stage managing is two weeks after the one i might be cast in, I am here to stage manage, and Josh and "Whales, Save Us!" is my priority so how do i decide if that is the right choice. I have talked with the stage manager for the other show and I really feel like we can work out the schedule, and make it work, but however I still want to make sure that Josh is covered and they have everything they need. I am pretty sure that i can handle it and make the schedule work, i just dont want to leave josh hanging. Spent the night fretting about what was the right thing to do. I don't know. I got up this morning and went in to my advisers office and talked with her about it, i told her my concerns and my thought on how the plan could work, and she was all for it, she liked the idea of getting the experience, and i told her, which is one of the reasons i am really wanting to do the show, is that the professor from my directing class is directing the show, and i really want to go through that process with him... anyway she was behind me and as we discussed if there is a semester to make this work this is the one, because i have no classes tues/thur/fri. So the general consensus was that i would do it. I told Tylo (the director) I was good to go if he wanted me. It seems to be leaning that way, and I am nervous and excited about it. THere is nothing official on the cast list yet however i think I will know for sure this thursday. I'm not sure what to think, excited, nervous, happy. Josh i know you read my blog, so just know i have every intention of making sure you have everything you need and making your show fantastic. Now if im not cast in the end thats great to, because either way this semester is going to be a great semester, I really like josh and elizabeth (director and writer) for Whales, Save Us! my classes are good, and its going to be great!
anyway! three days till tara comes to visit! ROCK ON!
Um, WHAT?!! Brandon IN a show??! LOL I'm totally excited for you and this possibility. See? Cool things are happening for you already? SO many cool possibilities. I'm happy for you, Brandon!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I asked my kids over dinner last night what a stage manager is:
Skyler: "I have NO idea."
Aria: "Um, doesn't a stage manager help people to bring stuff on and off the stage?" (pretty close...for a 5 yr old).
Xander: "I love french fries."