So after being accepted to UNLV, turning them down, and then being offered money to go, I decided it needed to go. So off i am going to UNLV
to get my MFA in Stage and Production Management!

It was a hard decision, very hard, I have great friends here in Utah and leaving them is really going to be tough but I am really happy for the chance to move forward with my life and do something for me! As Princess told me "this is your time, do something for you, Do not think about everyone else and what you are doing for them, do this for you" So off I go!

Well the process of actually getting to UNLV has started and boy is it daunting! Lots to do not a lot of time to do it in! I had to get my immunization records to them, so I called my mom, because lets be honest she still keeps all my important stuff like my yellow immunization card. Well she couldn't find it, and she says she gave it to me, and i was like no no, you have it i swear, so a few hours later she calls and says here it is, ill scan it and send over, okay crisis solved, the next thing i needed was proof of my Tetanus (not spelled tetnus, just incase you wondered) well that happened five years ago in Palm Springs, I had no record of it nor any idea what the clinics name was, so what did i do? I googled Urgent Cares in palm springs, and looked at the satellite map till i found the one that looked right, it was a giant rectangle building with a cut out in the middle for a courtyard, Well i called them last friday, Long story short they are the most un helpful people i have ever met! By thursday yesterday she still had no idea where my file was but could confirm that I was a patient there! Because she was taking so long on Tuesday i thought i am just going to go get another Tetanus shot it will hurt but atleast it will be done! Well i went in to get it and it was a 2.5 hour wait, and i said NO! so I left thinking palm springs is going to come through.
In the mean time i had looked through my immunization shots from childhood and realized that it only had one MMR (measels mumps and rubella) So i started worrying that UNLV would accept me because they say i need 2 MMRs. I call them they say its not usually a big deal, blah blah blah. So i think fine i shoudl be okay.
Thursday rolls around, nothing from palm springs, and the clinic doesnt give shots on friday so it has to be today or never, so i go in and NO LINE! amazing walk up and she says which kind of Tetanus shot do you need, THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS? thats lame! well i had to leave, go back to my place get the paper see speciffically which one they wanted, and head back. ON the way back my mom called and she had called my childhood doc, and they said that if the card didnt shot 2 MMR i may not have gotten it because some schools don't require it! SO she advised me to find out how much they are and if they can do them at the clinic with the tetanus shots. So in I go again, no wait again, things are looking up, We get the tetanus shot all squared away, then i ask about MMR the lady was nice, told me the price and we chit chatted for a moment, and I decided I might as well get the stupid thing so i can just be done!
So they call me back and the lady
(mind you in a room full of disney princesses because apparently this is for children usually) tells me she will give both in my left arm and she gets ready and I tell her to please use a small needle ;-) anyway she was nice, and i looked away and she jabbed me twice i didnt even know it was coming! MOTHER! it wasnt terrible, but she was band aiding me with taz band aids and we were chit chatting and she looked me in the eyes and then she said "mi amore you have amazing eyes" okay flattering but she was a bit old for me and well a couple other problems....

So i go pay, get a brand new yellow immunization card, says im all immunized and good to go, send it in to UNLV, no response yet, still can't register!
But good news, this morning, my Tetanus shot record from palm springs came through, right on time you might say ;-)
Blasted stabs and yellow card! I will never forget you! BLAST!
Okay...first...can I just say how HAPPY I am that you have a blog now!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!! And second...I am the first person to comment on it...EVER!!! HAPPY AGAIN!!
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